Sunday, Sep. 07, 2025

Official Website:

Kahekilli Beach Park to Black Rock and Back - Distance 2km.

The event is being hosted by the Sophie DeLoria Foundation, and any proceeds would be distributed to the Foundation which in turn provide funding for local keiki organizations focusing on swimming, dance and music in the community. This is our 10th annual swim event and we hope each year it will grow to be a fun swim and to bring a great turnout of folks of all ages, residents and visitors alike.

Entry Fees Before Sep 06, 2025
Adult Swim (18 yrs & up) $35.00
Youth Swim (12 yrs - 17 yrs) $20.00
Kids Swim (9 yrs - 11 yrs) $20.00
Donation Only ----

Online Entry Fee:
Adults (18 yrs & up) $35.00
Youth (12 yrs - 17 yrs) $20.00
Kids (9 yrs - 11 yrs) $20.00*Must be a registered USA swim member
On race day:
Adults (18 yrs & up) $40.00
Youth (12 yrs - 17 yrs) $25.00
Kids (9 yrs - 11 yrs) $25.00*Must be a registered USA swim member

Distance for all events is 2KM.

Race day registration between 7am until 7.30am at the Pavilion.

Kids/Youth Race Start at 8.00 am
Adults Start 8.15 am.
Swim caps are mandatory (swim caps will be provided).

Bring the whole family! Race by age and category with or without fins. Winners and runners up will be awarded prizes. The first 30 online entrants will receive an “atomic tangerine” beach towel. Money Raised will go to the Sophie DeLoria Foundation.

Contact: Susan DeLoria 808.250.5948 Or JD DeLoria 808.298.5948

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